Submitted by Mongo on

It seems like we're hitting milestones here at P4 every day, but this is a big one!
For more than a year we've been working behind the scenes to translate the catalog of P4 materials into a web-based format that is publicly searchable! I'm excited to announce that we've achieved that goal, and now you can search the catalog for specific artists, objects names, (CDs, chapbooks, etc.) and poem titles. It's a huge collection of more than 1,600 items, with tens of thousands of individual performances and chapbook poems now available.
To get started, just click the Search the Collection item under The P4 Collection menu on our website, or go directly to the search page by clicking here.
There are four ways to search our catalog. Simply use the buttons at the top of the screen to select how you want to search the materials:
- Performances / Objects: This is the default search method, and it returns a list of performances grouped by the objects on which they are found (see the illustration we've included).
- Objects: The Objects Only search is a quick way to find out whether we may have a particular item, especially if you're considering donating a copy!
- Poet/Ensembles: This is where you can look yourself up! Each performer or ensemble we list shows all the items and performances in our collection, right under their profile!
- Slams: P4 is working hard to create the most comprehensive detailed, and useful catalog of slams around the world-- both active and historic. Check out your city here, and see if we have all of our information correct!
This catalog is, of course, a work in progress. We are adding objects, performances, poets, ensembles, and slams all the time. If you find that our information is incorrect in any of our listings, let us know! We appreciate any corrections or additions you may have to offer.
It's also important to note that this searchable catalog is ONLY for the physical objects in our collection. Soon we will be able to link these records to the digitized versions of the content listed, and (poet permissions pending, of course) allow you to play the audio/video or read the chapbook poem right from within the P4 website.
Oh, and one last thing: If you're a poet listed in the P4 database, we'll soon be providing you a way to create a log-in with P4, and edit your own record! So if your bio changes, or you have a new website to share, you can make those changes directly. Making that work is our next milestone. But until that is working, we invite you to send us any additions or corrections to the listings we have. We want to make sure every record is correct, since we aim to make this catalog the most comprehensive list of poetry slam performers in the world.
Obviously, everyone here at P4 is thrilled with the progress we're making toward capturing and preserving the recorded history of the poetry slam movement! Turning on the public and searchable catalog of our materials is one of the most exciting milestones we've reached on this journey. Join us!!!