Organization Name:
11th Hour Poetry Slam
Contact Information:
Website(s): Primary Website
Email: Send this organization an email
Contacts: Ericka Byrd-Thompson
Social Media:
Email: Send this organization an email
Contacts: Ericka Byrd-Thompson
Social Media:
About the Organization:
The “11th Hour" Poetry Slam provides an opportunity for poetry lovers to enjoy the competitive art of late-night performance poetry! Enjoy two rounds of high intensity poetry, with the audience choosing a winner. Come join us for an alternative way to spend your Friday night. Poetry Slam, Inc's (PSI) DC Slam Venue.
Street address:
City: Washington
State/Province: District of Columbia
Zip Code: 20009
Country: United States
City: Washington
State/Province: District of Columbia
Zip Code: 20009
Country: United States
Additions or Improvements?
If you see any inaccuracies or have information to add to this record, contact us to let us know.